
wide boxed


ltr rtl


light dark


default alimbalmarina somnambula juicy spoonflower goats nutricap keratin vit courtly attire mondrian sage walking by

bg pattern

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

bg image

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Rail’s Electronic Interlock is a distributed system with the Central Interlocking Unit connecting to the yard elements through Object Controllers.

Rail’s Electronic Interlock is a distributed system with the Central Interlocking Unit connecting to the yard elements through Object Controllers. Both the Central Interlock Unit and Object Controllers have triple modular redundancy for ensuring better Reliability & Availability.

Optical Fiber Cable connectivity between the CIU and OCs reduces need for copper cable and results significant savings in CAPEX and OPEX during subsequent maintenance.Optical Fiber Cable connectivity between the CIU and OCs reduces need for copper cable and results significant savings in CAPEX and OPEX during subsequent maintenance.

The Maintainers’ Terminal offered as a part of Rail’s Electronic Interlock, provides information pertaining to health of the system and online yard status to the maintainer and facilitates timely system maintenance. The Maintainers’ Terminal offered as a part of Rail’s Electronic Interlock, provides information pertaining to health of the system and online yard status to the maintainer and facilitates timely system maintenance.

show all Completed Development
white butterfly


art, digital, peaple

van life

van life

nature, human, hands

statue of liberty low poly

statue of liberty low poly

road, feature, rest

lost in ocean

lost in ocean

advanture, water

completed testing

fasshion, total look


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